Do Deer Eat Aloe Plants? - The Fun Outdoors (2024)

Are you wondering if deer eat aloe plants? You’re not alone.

Aloe vera is a popular succulent known for its soothing gel, but it often raises questions about its place in a garden visited by wildlife.

Despite their reputation for nibbling on garden plants, deer usually do not eat aloe vera. The plant’s bitter compounds, like saponins and anthraquinones, deter these animals from making it a part of their diet.

Do Deer Eat Aloe Plants? - The Fun Outdoors (1)

This could be great news if you’re looking to protect your aloe plants from these common garden pests.

While deer may occasionally sample a variety of plants, they generally steer clear of aloe vera due to its taste and texture. However, you may still need to watch out for other critters like snails, slugs, and beetles, which find aloe quite appealing.

Understanding which animals are likely to munch on your aloe plants can help you take the right precautions to keep them safe.

Gardens are a haven for many creatures, but with the right knowledge, you can enjoy your aloe plants without worry.

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Do Deer Eat Aloe Plants?

Deer are known to browse a variety of plants in gardens and wild areas. Succulent plants like aloe vera are no exception to their diet.

They are adaptable feeders and can eat many kinds of vegetation, depending on availability.

Aloe vera plants have fleshy leaves filled with gel. This gel provides moisture and some nutrients.

Although not a primary food source, deer may consume aloe vera leaves when other food is scarce.

Evidence suggests that deer do not actively seek out aloe vera. They prefer plants with higher nutrition. Yet, in a pinch, they might nibble on aloe leaves.

Interestingly, aloe vera has some natural defense mechanisms. It contains bitter compounds like saponins and anthraquinones. These can deter many animals, but deer might still eat the plant.

You can protect your aloe vera plants by using some barriers.

A mesh or screen can make it harder for deer to access the plants. Keeping aloe in a fenced area is also a good idea. This can prevent deer from munching on your succulents.

Are Aloe Plants Deer Resistant?

Do Deer Eat Aloe Plants? - The Fun Outdoors (2)

Aloe plants are generally less likely to be eaten by deer. The primary reason is that aloe plants have sharp edges and a tough texture.

Deer often avoid prickly plants. They prefer softer, more palatable vegetation. Aloe vera’s structure makes it less appealing to their taste.

Keep in mind:

  • While aloe plants are not the first choice for deer, they may still eat them if food is scarce.
  • Aloe plants can be slightly toxic, adding another layer of deterrence.

Though no plant is 100% deer-proof, many gardeners consider aloe to be a good option in areas with deer activity.

If you want to increase your garden’s deer resistance, you can combine aloe with other deer-resistant plants like agave and cactus.

How To Keep Deer From Eating Aloe Plants

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Deer often find aloe plants attractive, but there are ways to protect your garden from deer.

Fencing is one of the most effective methods.

Install a tall fence, at least 8 feet high, around your garden. You can use chicken wire or other sturdy materials.

Planting certain species around your aloe plants can act as natural deterrents.

Lavender, rosemary, and marigold are examples of plants deer tend to avoid. Integrating these into your garden can help protect your aloe plants.

For additional protection, you can use netting or physical barriers.

Cover your aloe plants with netting or place barriers like butterfly weed and Russian sage around them. These physical deterrents make it harder for deer to reach the plants.

Will Aloe Plants Grow Back After Being Eaten By Deer?

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Aloe plants can suffer significant damage from deer. Regrowth depends on the extent of the damage. If care is given promptly, your aloe plants may recover and thrive again.

Steps To Help Your Aloe Plants Recover From Deer Damage

Priority should be given to protecting the remaining parts of the plant.

Consider putting up a barrier around the aloe to prevent further deer damage. Simple fencing or mesh can be effective.

After that, inspect the damage. Remove any leaves that are too damaged to heal. This not only promotes new growth but also keeps the plant healthy.

Provide extra care to your aloe plants.

Ensure they receive adequate sunlight, and water them appropriately. Avoid overwatering, as aloe is sensitive to too much moisture.

Finally, give your aloe plants some time.

The young, tender leaves are the first signs of regrowth. Be patient and maintain their care routine consistently.

Understanding Deer’s Diet And Aloe Plants

Deer are herbivores that prefer leaves, twigs, and shoots for their nutrients. Aloe plants offer moisture and a range of essential nutrients.

Seasonal Variations In Deer’s Diet

During spring and summer, deer mainly consume fresh leaves, herbs, and flowers. This is when plants are lush, providing ample nutrients essential for their growth.

In fall and winter, food becomes scarce.

Deer then turn to woody plants, twigs, and even the bark of trees. In drought conditions, they may seek out aloe plants due to the moisture content.

Aloe plants can store water, making them a valuable resource during dry periods.

Deer nibble on the fleshy leaves to hydrate, showing their adaptability in finding moisture sources.

What About Other Wildlife And Aloe Plants?

Aloe plants are popular, not just with deer, but also with other wildlife. They can attract a range of animals, which you may want to be aware of.

Rodents, like squirrels and gophers, sometimes munch on aloe vera. They typically take small bites to quench their thirst.

Garden pests such as snails, slugs, and beetles regard aloe vera as a tasty treat. Despite the plant’s natural defenses like bitter compounds, these pests can still cause significant damage.

Rabbits are another common visitor. Aloe vera provides moisture and nutrients, making it an appealing snack for them.

Raccoons are quite versatile. They eat a wide variety of foods and might nibble on your aloe plants, especially if other food is hard to find.

Tortoises and iguanas also find aloe plants appealing, especially in dry environments where the plants are a good source of hydration.

Here is a quick overview of other succulents and the wildlife they attract:

Succulent TypeCommonly Attracted Wildlife
AgaveRodents, deer
CactusBirds, insects
SempervivumSlugs, snails
SedumRodents, rabbits
EcheveriaInsects, snails

Goats are opportunistic feeders and might munch on aloe plants if they are within reach.

Do Deer Eat Aloe Plants? - The Fun Outdoors (2024)


Do Deer Eat Aloe Plants? - The Fun Outdoors? ›

Deer and Rabbit: Their sharp thorns and spines, as well as usually bitter leaf sap, are good deterrents for many herbivores, including deer and rabbits. Toxicity: Some species of Aloe plants can be toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

Will deer eat aloe plants? ›

Deer can cause significant plant damage, stripping Aloe vera of its leaves and compromising its growth. Deterrence strategies: Install physical barriers such as fencing.

What's eating my aloe vera? ›

The mite that finds aloes delectable is the red spider mite. If you have an infestation of these, you will see small, pale markings on the surface of the aloe leaves. Aloes do not like these mites at all. Even flowers may be distorted, as the mites attack the emerging flower stalks.

Do squirrels eat aloe vera plants? ›

Ground squirrels, pack rats, rabbits and mice can severely damage agaves, yuccas and cacti. Aloes are relatively free of rodent damage. During periods of prolonged drought these mammals attack and destroy both mature and young plants. Figure 25.

Does deer eat succulents? ›

Native cacti and succulents are not usually bothered by deer.

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Some plants with fuzzy foliage that deer typically avoid include: heartleaf brunnera (Brunnera), lungwort (Pulmonaria), lamb's ear (Stachys), deadnettle (Lamium), wormwood (Artemisia), blanket flower (Gaillardia), coleus (Plectranthus), butterfly bush (Buddleia), spirea (Spiraea) and viburnum.

What is a natural deer repellent for plants? ›

Deer also dislike the smell of mint, oregano, sage, and thyme—add these to your garden for another natural method for repelling deer.

What is the common problem with aloe vera? ›

The most common problem with aloes is overwatering. You'll know your aloe plant is being overwatered when the leaves develop what are called water-soaked spots that look soggy and soft. It's almost as though the entire leaf becomes saturated with water, then it turns to mush.

What should you be careful of when using the aloe plant? ›

Aloe gel is considered safe when applied to the surface of the skin, but should not be applied to open or deep wounds. In rare cases, it may cause an allergic reaction, mainly a skin rash. If you develop a rash, stop using the gel.

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Houseplants that prefer acid soil will be more receptive to coffee ground use. These include African violet, croton, gloxinia, monstera, peperomia, and philodendron. Avoid using coffee grounds on aloe vera, orchids, and pothos.

Do rabbits eat aloe vera plants? ›

Aloe Vera plants are highly toxic to your rabbit, and other small animals. Eating parts of an aloe vera plant can cause GI tract issue, diarrhea, tremors, and even death. Do not let your pet eat any Aloe.

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Plant bulbs that squirrels don't like such as daffodils, alliums, snowdrops, Muscari, Frittilaria, Spanish bluebells, and the fall-blooming autumn crocus. You can plant these varieties solely, intermix them, or outline your planting bed with them. Keep your planting area clean from bulb debris.

Is Aloe plant toxic to animals? ›

Aloe vera

Used as a topical gel in conventional medicine, aloe vera is one of many poisonous plants for dogs. When eaten by dogs, aloe vera can cause mild to moderate bouts of toxicity. Side effects may include vomiting, lethargy, depression, tremors and change in urine.

Do deer eat plants at night? ›

Deer prefer to feed in early morning, at dusk, and overnight, so unless you're outside at those times, you may never see a deer in your garden.

What plants attract deer? ›

Perennial Crops

Clover food plots for deer are sure to attract them, but there is other perennial forage to choose from. Consider: White and red clovers. Alsike clover.

What animal eats succulents at night? ›

Rodents will work at night while birds will probably be doing their damage in early morning. Covering your plants with a wire mesh of some sort is an easy non-lethal method of preventing this sort of damage, but is not very attractive. For rodents, poison can be set out, but should be used with caution.

Are aloe plants toxic to animals? ›

Although considered a medicinal plant for humans, aloe vera's level of toxicity is mild to moderate for cats and dogs. Vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, depression, anorexia, tremors, change in urine colour. Chinese evergreen's level of toxicity is mild to moderate, though symptoms can include liver and kidney damage.

What plants are deer most attracted to? ›

Brassicas like radishes, rape, canola and turnips contain very high levels of starch, which cold temperatures turn to sugar! So besides being the absolute best in nutrition, blends like DEER-Radish, Maximum and Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets also end up being the best in late season attraction.

What edible plants do deer not like? ›

Certain plants, such as rhubarb, are toxic to deer. Deer usually also avoid root vegetables (which require digging) and prickly vegetables such as cucumbers and squashes with hairy leaves. Cultivars with strong odors such as onions, garlic and fennel are not palatable to deer.

What do aloe vera plants like to eat? ›

Aloes are not heavy feeders, so they don't need a lot of fertilizer. Too much fertilizer can harm your aloe plant. The best time to fertilize your aloe is in the spring before new growth begins. You can use a standard houseplant fertilizer or a succulent-and-cactus fertilizer.

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