F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (2024)

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (1)

Did you know that there are different generations of mini Goldendoodles? Each generation has a few neat tricks up its sleeve, and one of the most sought-after is the F1b mini Goldendoodle!

The F1b looks like most mini Goldendoodle generations, but it has dominant Poodle blood. They are perfect for owners with allergies because they are close to being hypoallergenic.

If you want to learn more about this mini Goldendoodle generation, stick around until the end of this guide. This will help you decide whether the F1b mini Goldendoodle is the perfect pooch for you!

Contents show

What Is an F1B Mini Goldendoodle?

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (2)

The F1b mini Goldendoodle is the offspring of an F1 Goldendoodle (a dog that is half Golden Retriever and half Poodle) and a miniature Poodle. These dogs are 25% Golden Retriever and 75% Poodle. They are recognized for their teddy bear appearances, non-shedding coats, and affectionate demeanor.

The Golden Retriever and Poodle are two well-cherished breeds. These breeds bring unique features that make them crowd favorites. Fortunately, with the Goldendoodles, you can now get the best of both dog breeds.

However, some people prefer more traits from the Poodle than the Golden Retriever or vice versa. This is one of the many reasons why different Goldendoodle generations are bred.

The F1b mini Goldendoodle is meant for pet owners who want a designer dog with more Poodle qualities and just a pinch of the Golden Retriever.

Get to know more about the F1b mini Goldendoodle by watching this insightful video:

PUPPY Q&A | things to know about an f1b mini goldendoodle, chew toy advice, puppy blues & more

What Is the Difference Between an F1 and F1B Mini Goldendoodle?

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (3)

The Goldendoodle is perhaps the most popular among the Poodle mixes. Like other hybrids, this designer breed comes in a handful of variants.

Two of the most notable ones are the F1 and the F1b. But how exactly are they different from each other?

To understand this better, let’s break down the terms briefly. Firstly, “F1” and “F1b” refer to the generation of a hybrid dog. An F1 hybrid is born from the cross of two purebred dogs of different breeds.

In the case of Goldendoodles, an F1 would be the offspring of a purebred Golden Retriever and a purebred Poodle. In other words, this is a dog that is half Golden and half Poodle.

Meanwhile, the F1b is a hybrid born from mixing an F1 with either parent breed. This is also why F1b hybrids are called “first-generation backcross hybrids” — you are crossing the hybrid back to either parent breed.

For Goldendoodles, the F1b is the offspring of an F1 and a Golden Retriever parent or an F1 and a Poodle parent.

Technically, an F1b Goldendoodle can be 25% Poodle and 75% Golden Retriever; however, the reverse is more common.

The word “mini” in F1b mini Goldendoodle simply describes the size of the dog. Traditionally, Goldendoodles usually come in three different sizes: mini, small standard, and large standard.

Other significant differences between the F1 and F1b mini Goldendoodles are coat type, health, and price.

Other Generations of Mini Goldendoodles

Aside from the F1b mini Goldendoodle, there are also other variants of the mini Goldendoodle that are worth looking into. These variants have their own unique traits and dispositions!

Here are the other generations of the mini Goldendoodle:

  • F1 mini Goldendoodle: The F1 mini Goldendoodle is the first generation of this hybrid. It has 50% Golden Retriever blood and 50% Poodle lineage.
  • F2 mini Goldendoodle: The F2 mini Goldendoodle is the result of breeding two F1 mini Goldendoodles. Unfortunately, they are not as popular as other mini Goldendoodle variants since most of them are heavy shedders.
  • F2b mini Goldendoodle: Breeding an F1b with an F1 mini Goldendoodle produces the F2b. These mini Goldendoodles have moderate to heavy shedding tendencies.
  • F3 mini Goldendoodle: This refers to the third generation Goldendoodle or also known as the multigenerational Goldendoodle. They are produced by breeding either F1b with an F2b, two F1b Goldendoodles, two F2 Goldendoodles, or two F2b Goldendoodles.

You might also encounter other breeders who advertise F1bb and F2bb Goldendoodles.

These are other Goldendoodle generations that are produced by breeding an F1b or F2b Goldendoodle with either a purebred miniature Poodle or a purebred Golden Retriever.

F1B Mini Goldendoodle Size and Weight

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (4)

There are a handful of size options for Goldendoodles. To name a few, there are the mini, small standard, and large standard-size Goldendoodles.

In recent years, the even smaller size toy Goldendoodles also gained popularity in the pet community.

Needless to say, the mini Goldendoodle is one of the smaller variants of this mixed breed. The adult size of the F1b mini Goldendoodle is 13 to 30 inches in height and 15 to 35 pounds in weight.

There is a slight size difference between male and female F1b mini Goldendoodles. However, for the most part, these differences are barely noticeable.

These pooches are about the same size as miniature Poodles. They are about half the size of a small standard Goldendoodle and twice the size of a toy Poodle.

Due to their compact form factor, their cute teddy bear look is very noticeable!

F1B Mini Goldendoodle Appearance

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (5)

An F1b mini Goldendoodle looks more like a Poodle than a Golden Retriever. This is expected; after all, this hybrid is 75 percent Poodle and only 25 percent Golden Retriever.

However, to the untrained eye, the F1b mini Goldendoodle is impossible to distinguish from other generations of Goldendoodles. In fact, this pup may even be mistaken as a small Poodle from afar!

The possible mini Goldendoodle colors are any shades of gold with tinges of red. The coat appearance of these dogs is somewhere in between the straight coat of Golden Retrievers and the curly coat of mini Poodles.

Like most mini Goldendoodles, the F1b miniature Goldendoodle has floppy ears that sit flat on the sides of its face.

This dog has lively energy and a jolly disposition. You will often see this pooch with a huge smile and a wagging tail!

In addition to all that, this mix comes in a fairly compact stature. They share almost the same size as a medium-sized stuffed toy or most mini Poodles.

This mix is the one to get if you want a super cute dog that is neither too small nor too big.

F1B Mini Goldendoodle Shedding

No, the F1b mini Goldendoodle does not shed a lot. If anything, these pups shed very little!

Because F1b mini Goldendoodles share 75% of their genes with the Poodle breed, they retain more Poodle genetics.

As a result, their coats are almost identical to the Poodle. Simply put, they are as close to being hypoallergenic as any dog can get.

Of course, no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, but Goldendoodles are among the few hybrids that come close. If you want an even safer bet, the F1b mini Goldendoodle is the one for you.

Due to their hypoallergenic trait, the F1b mini Goldendoodle is the most recommended choice for owners with severe allergies.

F1B Mini Goldendoodle Temperament and Personality

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (6)

Goldendoodles are some of the most wonderful family pets. These dogs are loving, gentle, intelligent, and extremely loyal.

Fortunately, these desirable traits are present in all Goldendoodles, including the F1b mini Goldendoodle.

The F1b mini Goldendoodle mix was specifically bred to be the ideal family companion.

Aside from its charming looks, this pup is gregarious and affectionate. An F1b mini Goldendoodle dog can also serve as an effective therapy dog.

When it comes to socializing with other dogs, F1b mini Goldendoodles are normally tolerant and non-aggressive.

While same-sex aggression can be a problem sometimes, these dogs are still manageable at their worst.

If you have young children around the house, you’d be glad to know that the F1b mini Goldendoodle is kind and affectionate towards them.

Aside from that, this dog is also very docile and quiet. They rarely become rambunctious or stubborn.

All the good things aside, the F1b mini Goldendoodle needs early socialization. Not socializing this pooch early on can lead to some unwanted temperamental issues down the line.

Sometimes, this pooch may throw tantrums in the form of chewing furniture, barking, or whining. When this happens, your dog may be telling you that it needs attention.

All in all, if temperament is your concern, you wouldn’t regret adding an F1b mini Goldendoodle to your family. This pup has an amazing disposition that suits many families and lifestyles. Just be wary of separation anxiety!

F1B Mini Goldendoodle Lifespan and Health Issues

The lifespan of an F1b mini Goldendoodle is 12 to 16 years. These dogs live longer than larger variants of the Goldendoodle mix. In fact, their life expectancy is way above average compared to the lifespan of most dogs.

Thanks to their hybrid nature, the F1b mini Goldendoodle adopts some form of hybrid vigor.

Hybrid vigor is a term that describes the positive health effects of crossbreeding different two breeds. Basically, it means less risk of inheriting genetic diseases.

However, this is not to say that this pooch has perfect health. Of course, the F1b mini Goldendoodle also has its fair share of health concerns.

Below are some common health issues of the F1b mini Goldendoodle:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a condition in which a dog’s ball-and-socket joint becomes misaligned. This illness produces excruciating discomfort when moving and may result in posture deterioration. For a mini Goldendoodle with hip dysplasia, inactivity due to pain may lead to obesity.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy: PRA is a category of eye-related degenerative disorders in dogs. The eyesight of a dog with this condition is gradually deteriorating. If left untreated, PRA will cause a mini Goldendoodle to go blind.
  • Patellar Luxation: Patellar luxation, often known as sliding stifles, is a disorder in which a dog’s kneecap is out of alignment. This is a congenital condition that manifests later in a dog’s life. A luxated patella in an F1b mini Goldendoodle may require surgery.
  • Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland fails to produce enough hormones. Lethargy and weight gain are two symptoms of hypothyroidism. This condition may also be accompanied by sudden changes in a dog’s coat or skin.

As you can see, the F1b mini Goldendoodle has a handful of common health concerns. Keeping a keen eye out for the early signs of any of these is essential. Doing so will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

It is highly advised that you purchase your F1b mini Goldendoodle from a reputable breeder. This way, you can be sure you’re not getting a dog with a genetic problem.

How to Take Care of Your F1B Mini Goldendoodle

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (7)

The F1b mini Goldendoodle is a special pooch in every way. Despite that, you’d be surprised to know that this dog does not need any special treatment to live a happy and long life.

This pup just needs some good cuddles, healthy food, and regular exercise. If you can provide these things for your pup, you’re well on your way to keeping it fulfilled and in tip-top shape.

With that out of the way, let’s dive into the basics of taking care of your mini Goldendoodle!

Food and Diet

Feeding an F1b mini Goldendoodle is a relatively easy task. All your dog needs is two bowls of healthy dry kibble given twice a day.

Because of its small stature and modest energy levels, this pup does not have the biggest appetite.

Nonetheless, make sure to read the labels on your pet’s food to ensure that you’re giving the right amount of food.

You may also feed your F1b mini Goldendoodle with homemade meals every once in a while.

White meat, vegetables, and fruit slices are safe bets. Just be sure not to feed your pup with anything toxic!

Cleaning and Grooming

Cleaning and grooming an F1b mini Goldendoodle is quite the task. These dogs need regular hair brushing at least thrice a week. Failing to brush your pup’s hair regularly will lead to tangling and matting!

These dogs also need professional grooming at least every other month. This is to keep their hair and skin healthy and free from tangles.

When it comes to bathing your F1b mini Goldendoodle, once or twice a month will do the trick. Bathing too often is not advised as it will dry out your pooch’s hair.

However, make sure to thoroughly check the ears and ear wax color of your F1b mini Goldendoodle for signs of infection. Nails should also be trimmed regularly.

Training and Exercise

F1b mini Goldendoodles are big fans of training and exercise. Because they are people-pleasers, these dogs are highly responsive when it comes to learning new tricks!

If you want to train your pooch effectively, the best way to do so is to implement the so-called positive reinforcement training. This training scheme makes use of treats and praises to motivate your pup.

The F1b mini Goldendoodle doesn’t need a lot of exercises. For the most part, an hour of exercise a day is enough to wear out the moderate energy level of this pooch.

Some activities this pup enjoys include going to dog parks, walking, playing fetch, and more.

How Much Does an F1B Mini Goldendoodle Cost? Puppy Prices & Expenses

The cost of an F1B mini Goldendoodle ranges between $1,500 and $3,000. They are not more expensive than other Goldendoodle generations. In fact, the generation of a Goldendoodle has minimal effect on its price.

Other factors that also determine the price of an F1b mini Goldendoodle include size, color, and the breeder’s reputation.

However, these are not the only things to consider when buying an F1b mini Goldendoodle. You also have to set aside a budget for your pet’s essential needs.

The table below are some initial expenses for an F1B mini Goldendoodle puppy:

Type of ExpenseCost
Food and Treats$80 – $100
Food and Water Bowls$10 – $30
Bed$40 – $180
Crate$50 – $370
Leashes and Collars$15 – $50
Toys$30 – $40
Grooming Essentials$40 – $160
Deworming, Flea, and Tick Medications$50 – $200
Initial Vet Visits$100 – $300
Initial Vaccine Shots$75 – $200
Neutering or Spaying$50 – $500
Dog License$10 – $20
Microchip$40 – $60
Miscellaneous Supplies$15 – $30
Total Initial Cost$605 – $2,240

For the recurring cost, expect to spend $605 to $2,240 per month for your F1b mini Goldendoodle. Usually, this cost is enough to cover dog food, treats, vet visits, vitamins, and pet insurance.

One way to cut down on cost when buying a mini Goldendoodle is by checking the freebies. Some breeders include accessories and packs of dog food in their puppy packages.

Places to Find F1B Mini Goldendoodle Puppies for Sale and Adoption

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (8)

The F1b mini Goldendoodle is amongst the most popular hybrids to date. Needless to say, there’s no shortage of places where you can find this mixed breed.

However, it is best that you stick to reputable breeders and rescues when sourcing your next pet. For safety purposes, you should stay away from puppy mills and backyard breeders.

Here are some breeders where you can find F1b mini Goldendoodle puppies for sale:

  • Hermeier Doodles – Hermeier Doodles is a responsible breeder based in Iowa. They breed healthy dogs and pay close attention to finding the ideal puppy for each of their customers. This is a fantastic place to start your search for an F1b mini Goldendoodle!
  • Colorado Golden Doodlebugs – AKC-breeder Kim Brehon is the owner of Colorado Golden Doodlebugs. Kim raises and sells Goldendoodle and Golden Retriever puppies with the help of his three kids. The F1 mini and F1 standard are their specialties, but they also have F1b minis from time to time.
  • Beyond Bliss Doodles – Beyond Bliss Doodles is a breeder based in New York. They specialize in Goldendoodles of all sizes, including miniature Goldendoodles. Puppies from this breeder will set you back around $2,250, regardless of size.
  • PuppySpot – PuppySpot is an internet service that helps potential puppy parents locate their perfect match. Full-breed canines and designer breeds are available on this service. Goldendoodle pups of all ages, coat colors, and sizes are also here!

If you prefer adoption, check out these sources for an F1b mini Goldendoodle:

  • Doodle Dandy Rescue (DDR) – Over 500 active rescue volunteers make up DDR. The goal of this rescue is to save abandoned Goldendoodles and find them forever homes. They rehabilitate and rehome Doodles all over San Antonio, Houston, and Austin.
  • Doodle Rock Rescue (DRR) – DDR is a Texas-based rescue that saves unwanted Goldendoodles. They prioritize saving pets from high-euthanasia facilities. Since 2017, they have saved and rehomed over a thousand Doodle mixes.
  • Petfinder – Petfinder is an online pet database that advertises and lists available pets for adoption. This service is affiliated with the various Goldendoodle rescues and shelters across the country. As a result, they have an extensive collection of mini Goldendoodles up for adoption.
  • Adopt-a-Pet – Adopt-a-Pet is the country’s most popular non-profit pet adoption website. With this service, you can find a ton of adoptable F1b mini Goldendoodles from all over the country. Plus, their site features heaps of useful filters to help you find dogs easier!

We highly recommend contacting multiple breeders and rescues before settling with an F1B mini Goldendoodle. As much as possible, too, prioritize adoption so you can give a homeless dog another chance in life.

Frequently Asked Questions

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (9)

Can F1B Goldendoodles Have Straight Hair?

The F1b Goldendoodle can only sport curly hair like the Poodle or slightly wavy hair like the Golden Retriever. However, other Goldendoodle generations can have straight hair.

In fact, straight-haired Goldendoodles, also known as flat-coat Goldendoodles, have been increasingly popular in the past few years. If you prefer this pup, take a look at the F1 or F2 mini Goldendoodle instead.

Are F1B Mini Goldendoodles High Maintenance?

F1b mini Goldendoodles are high-maintenance dogs. Because of their curly coat type, these dogs are highly prone to matting and tangling.

On average, the F1b mini Goldendoodle requires professional grooming at least six times a year.

Should You Get an F1 or F1B Mini Goldendoodle?

There is no definite answer to this question, but there is a pretty nifty rule of thumb when choosing between an F1 and F1b mini Goldendoodle. If you want a dog that sheds considerably less, the F1b is the one to get.

On the other hand, if you prefer more Golden Retriever traits on your pup, get an F1 mini Goldendoodle instead. The F1 is also a better choice if you want a dog that has slightly straighter hair.

What Generation of Mini Goldendoodles Is the Best?

Many doodle owners swear that the F1b mini Goldendoodle is the best. This is because of their hypoallergenic qualities. However, others argue that higher generations are better because they have more hybrid vigor.

Final Thoughts

F1b mini Goldendoodles are sweet dogs that are suitable for most families. This dog is well-loved for its lovely appearance and non-shedding coat.

If you are looking for a new family member with wits and charm, this dog is for you!

Perhaps the only downside of owning this pup is the high initial cost and occasional grooming expenses. But if you can look past that, you won’t have any regrets about owning an F1b mini Goldendoodle.

Are you now even more determined to take home an F1b mini Goldendoodle? Let us know in the comments below!

F1B Mini Goldendoodle: Facts, Pictures, Size & Puppy Prices (2024)
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